Ariella Wolf performing as Arik Dov develops their raised-on folk tradition into an honest depiction of their life, trauma and self-love – embracing the vastness of musical expression through folk music and rock‘n’roll. One can still hear Ari’s desperation in their music, constantly searching for something larger than themself – falling in and out of love, reflecting on their childhood, their traumas, their future.After touring half the world since 2015 and dozens of album and EP releases, there has been no time more important than now in Ari’s life, no time where they wanted more than ever to break free from the socialized box they were shoved into.Ari’s journey as a musician has always been paralleled to their development as a human. Coming out as a non-binary, queer person to the public in 2021 was ‘the biggest act of self love’ they have ever done.As more experimental aspects of playing are incorporated into their live act with experimental bassist Martin ‘Malo’ Riebel, their duo act incorporates tape loops and poems and a spaciness that allows Ari’s words and melodies to pierce through an atmosphere of fog and vastness – constantly changing and developing.